Śrī Giridhara-kṛtā Bāla Prabodhinī
He shows that very statement with "na vayam" etc. in ten verses. With the intention that who can know the intention of one who has inconceivable powers and is engaged in various pastimes, they use two vocatives - "bhagavan" and "deva". The meaning is: Though you are yourself the overseer and controller of all, you say "I have committed an offense" with the words "tad dhītyātmakṛtaṃ manye", and "May I receive your grace" with "tadanugraho me" etc. - by this, we do not know what you intend to do. (16)
Knowing that he speaks thus at that time only for instructing people, they say: The statement that "Brahmins are my supreme deity" - brahma meaning Brahmins and Vedas, for the protection of their welfare - that is only for instructing people. "Kila" is for emphasis. But in reality, O all-powerful Lord, you alone who are full of divine qualities like sovereignty are the self and worshipable deity of even the gods and the Brahmins who are worshipable as gods of gods. (17)
They clarify what was stated: "tvatta" etc. The eternal dharma established in the varṇāśrama system, propounded by eternal śruti and smṛti, originates from you alone and is protected by your incarnations. You alone are considered the supreme fruit of dharma, accepted by śruti etc. To the doubt that heaven etc. are accepted as the fruit, they say "guhya", meaning the secret of all Vedas. To the doubt that it refers to the attributeless supreme Self denoted by the word Brahman, they say "nirvikalpa", meaning that is also you alone. (18)
Hindī Anuvāda
The sages said - O self-luminous Lord! Though you are the controller of all, you are saying "You have shown great kindness to me" - we do not understand what you intend by this. (16) O Lord! You are the supreme benefactor of Brahmins; you may consider for instructing people that Brahmins are your worshipable deities. But in reality, you alone are the self and worshipable deity of even the gods and Brahmins, and of Brahma etc. who are gods of gods. (17-18) The eternal dharma has originated from you alone, is protected from time to time by your incarnations, and you alone in your unchanging form are the supreme secret mystery of dharma - this is the view of the scriptures. (18)
On this blogspot, you can find the commentaries of the acaryas on Srimad Bhagavatam, the book, which Srila Prabhupada always carried with himself. Translations: Claude 3 Sonnet.
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