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SB 3.14.25-28


In this world, they have no one of their own or stranger. No one is more respectable or condemnable to them. We people try to grasp their maya by observing various types of vows, which they have already experienced and kicked away. (25)

vivekī puruṣa avidyāke āvaraṇako haṭānekī icchāse unake nirmala caritraka gāna kiyā karate haiṃ; unase baḍhakara to kyā, unake samāna bhī koī nahīṃ hai aura unataka kevala satpuruṣoṃkī hī pahuṃca hai. yaha satra honepara bhī ve svayaṃ piśācoṃkā-sā ācaraṇa karate haiṃ ।। 26 ।।

Wise men sing praises of their pure character, wishing to remove the veil of ignorance; there is no one superior to them, not even equal to them, and only virtuous people can reach them. Even though this is true, they themselves behave like ghouls. (26)

yaha naraśarīra kuttoṃkā bhojana hai; jo avivekī puruṣa ātmā mānakara vastra, ābhūṣaṇa, mālā aura candanādise isīko sajāte-saṃvārate rahate haiṃ- ve abhāge hī ātmārāma bhagavān śaṅkarake ācaraṇako haṃsate hai ॥27॥

This human body is food for dogs; those unwise people who consider it as the soul and keep adorning it with clothes, ornaments, garlands, and sandalwood paste - those unfortunate ones laugh at the behavior of Lord Shankara, who is content in the Self. (27)

hamaloga to kyā, brahmādi lokapāla bhī unhīṃkī vāṃdhī huī dharmamaryādākā pālana karate haiṃ; ve hī isa viśvake adhiṣṭhāna haiṃ tathā yaha māyā bhī unhīṃkī ājñākā anusaraṇa karanevālī hai. aise hokara bhī ve pretoṃkā-sā ācaraṇa karate haiṃ. aho! una jagadvyāpaka prabhukī yaha adbhuta līlā kucha samajmein nahīṃ ātī' ।। 28 ।।

What to say of us, even the world guardians like Brahma follow the religious boundaries set by them; they are the foundation of this universe, and even this maya follows their commands. Yet, they behave like ghosts. Oh! This wonderful play of that all-pervading Lord is incomprehensible. (28)

SB 3.15.49-50

 Text 49: O Lord, we pray that You let us be born in any hellish condition of life, just as long as our hearts and minds are always engaged ...