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SB 3.7.26-30


O Maitreya! Please describe the lineages of those Manus and the characters of the kings in their dynasties, as well as the extent and condition of the worlds above and below the earth and the earthly realm. Also, explain how the four types of beings - tiryak (animals), humans, devas, sarīsṛpa (crawling creatures like snakes) and birds, as well as jarāyuja (born from wombs), svedaja (born from sweat), aṇḍaja (born from eggs), and udbhijja (born from sprouting) - came into existence. 26-27

Also describe the auspicious līlās (divine plays) that Śrī Hari performed in His guṇāvatāras (incarnations of qualities) as Brahmā, Viṣṇu, and Mahādeva for the creation, maintenance, and dissolution of the universe during the creation process. 28

Describe the division of varṇāśrama according to dress, conduct, and nature; the births and deeds of the ṛṣis (sages); the division of the Vedas; the elaboration of yajñas (sacrifices); the path of yoga; the path of jñāna (knowledge) and its practice; the path of Sāṅkhya; and the tantra śāstras like Nārada Pāñcarātra etc., as spoken by the Lord. 29-30

SB 3.15.49-50

 Text 49: O Lord, we pray that You let us be born in any hellish condition of life, just as long as our hearts and minds are always engaged ...