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SB 3.2.31-34


After subduing Kāliyanāga (the serpent Kaliya), he revived the cowherd boys and cows who had died from drinking the poisoned water, and made it possible for them to drink the now harmless water of Kāliya-hrada (Kaliya's lake). || 31 ||

Lord Śrīkṛṣṇa (Lord Krishna), wishing to ensure the proper use of accumulated wealth, had Nanda Bābā perform a go-yajña (cow sacrifice) in the form of Govardhana pūjā (worship) through excellent brāhmaṇas. || 32 ||

Bhadra! When Indra, angered by the perceived insult to his honor, began to pour torrential rain to destroy Vraja, the Lord, out of compassion, playfully lifted the Govardhana mountain like an umbrella and protected the terrified Vraja residents and their animals. || 33 ||

In the evening, when the autumn moonlight would spread throughout Vṛndāvana (Vrindavan), Śrīkṛṣṇa would honor it by singing sweetly and engage in rāsa-vihāra (divine dance) with the group of gopīs (cowherd girls), enhancing their beauty. || 34 ||

End of the second chapter

SB 3.15.49-50

 Text 49: O Lord, we pray that You let us be born in any hellish condition of life, just as long as our hearts and minds are always engaged ...