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SB 3.1.22-27

 The commander-in-chief became the lord of the chariot. In the beginning, in a previous birth, she obtained a son who was remembered as Kāma (desire). || 28 ||

The lord of the poor, Ugrasena, the thousand-eyed Śrīkṛṣṇa (and in parentheses: Sri Krishna), abandoning the desire for the royal throne and kingdom, stood at a distance out of fear for his life, that is the meaning. || 29 ||

O gentle one, Hari's son, similar to him, happily resides with Guha, Svāmikārttikeya (and in parentheses: Kartikeya), who in a previous birth was carried in Bhavānī's (and in parentheses: Parvati's) womb. || 30 ||

Yuyudhāna, Sātyaki (and in parentheses: Satyaki), resides in well-being. He who obtained the secret of the bow from Phālguna, Arjuna. His connection to Adhokṣaja (and in parentheses: Krishna). || 31 ||

SB 3.21.1-10

 Text 1: Vidura said: The line of Svāyambhuva Manu was most esteemed. O worshipful sage, I beg you: Give me an account of this race, whose p...