Text 21: After creating the total material energy, the mahat-tattva, and thereby manifesting the gigantic universal form with senses and sense organs, the Supreme Lord entered within it.
Text 22: The puruṣa incarnation lying on the Causal Ocean is called the original puruṣa in the material creations, and in His virāṭ form, in whom all the planets and their inhabitants live, He has many thousands of legs and hands.
Text 23: O great brāhmaṇa, you have told me that the gigantic virāṭ form and His senses, sense objects and ten kinds of life air exist with three kinds of life vigor. Now, if you will, kindly explain to me the different powers of the specific divisions.
Text 24: O my lord, I think that the process manifest in the forms of sons, grandsons and family members has spread all over the universe in different varieties and species.
Text 25: O learned brāhmaṇa, please describe how the leader of all the demigods, namely the Prajāpati, Brahmā, decided to establish the various Manus, the heads of the ages. Please describe the Manus also, and please describe the descendants of those Manus.
Śrīdhara Svāmi-kṛtā Bhāvārtha-dīpikā Vyākhyā
He repeats what was said in order to ask for further explanation in three verses. After creating, etc. Having created those with modifications like the senses, etc., he created virāj (virāṭ) from their parts. [21]
He describes the nature of the one who entered. Whom, etc. He specifies virāj. Where, etc. All these worlds exist expansively without contraction. [22]
The five prāṇas (prāṇa) like prāṇa, etc. and the five like nāga, etc. - thus ten types, and the senses and their objects. The repetition of "and the senses" is to indicate their deities. Associated with those, due to prāṇa being all-nourishing, that association. Thus the threefold prāṇa was described by you. Its powers are indeed denoted by the word visarga at the beginning. [23]
Where this universe is spread out. [24]
Thus Maitreya, the blessed one, was asked this previously indeed. The dialogue between Vidura and Maitreya is introduced as answers to Parīkṣit's questions, so he states the questions asked by Vidura until the end. "Describe" is to be connected with what follows like "the lord of the lords of created beings, Brahmā", etc. He arranged the nine types of creations, the secondary creations and their divisions. [25]
Śrī Vaṃśīdhara-kṛtā Bhāvārtha-dīpikā Prakāśa Vyākhyā
From those like mahat, etc. That virāj. He states the absence of primary entrance for the all-pervading one. [21]
Where, in the Puruṣa. [22]
Due to prāṇa being all-nourishing, due to it increasing everything, that association means association with prāṇa. Thus threefold, in the form of senses, sense objects and sense deities, threefold. From which Puruṣa. The varṇas (varṇa) like brāhmaṇa (brāhmaṇa), etc. According to the śruti "The brāhmaṇa was his mouth", etc. As it is said "visarga is said to be from the Puruṣa", from the Puruṣa means born in the form of Brahmā, etc. [23]
In which powers that are the instrumental causes, grandson means great-grandson. 'Grandson' with varied forms means with appearances characterized by mutual distinctions. [24]
Their divisions means the secondary divisions of the nine creations. [25]
Śrī Rādhā Ramaṇa dāsa Gosvāmi Viracitā Dīpanī Vyākhyā
Further meaning, the remaining līlā (līlā) heard before, what was said by him means what was said by Maitreya. From those like mahat, etc. By their parts means by the parts of mahat, etc. After the secondary creation, that virāj. [21]
Whom, lying in the causal ocean and in the womb waters. Where, in the form of virāj. [22]
From which Puruṣa means of that Puruṣa. [23]
In which powers, by which created beings. [24]
Their divisions means their varieties. [25]
Śrīmad Vīrarāghava Vyākhyā
Wishing to ask about other meanings, he repeats what was said in "Having created", etc. Having first created those like mahat, etc. with modifications like the senses, etc., i.e. with modifications, before the creation of individuals, from those like mahat, etc., having raised up virāj, i.e. Brahmā who shines forth variously in individual forms, by producing through the creation of the egg, the all-pervading Lord entered that virāj. [21]
How was the all-pervading one? Whom the śrutis like "The Puruṣa with a thousand heads" etc. call the primordial Puruṣa denoted by the word Puruṣa, the cause of all causes, having a thousand eyes, thighs and arms - he entered, is the connection. Or it connects with "Describe to us his powers" later. He specifies that same one: Where, etc. Where, in the body of the four-faced one, all these worlds, the individual worlds, exist expansively without contraction. [22]
In whom - tenfold means the five prāṇas like prāṇa, apāna, etc. and the five prāṇas nāga, kūrma, kṛkala, devadatta and dhanaṃjaya, the sense objects like sound, etc., the senses which are of the nature of both knowledge and action, associated with those, the threefold prāṇa of the nature of the three guṇas, which are all contained in that virāj. And from which virāj the varṇas like brāhmaṇa, etc. which you stated came into being. Describe to us his powers, the powers of that virāj, primarily the groups to be controlled. [23]
Having stated the answers to some of the questions asked by the king in the second and eighth chapters beginning with "O Brahman, what was established by the one without material elements" etc., in order to state the answers to the remaining questions, the dialogue between Vidura and Maitreya is introduced with "Thus this was asked previously" etc. Now, desiring to state the answers to those very questions, he therefore states the questions asked by Vidura up to the end of the chapter with "Where", etc. Where, in which universe, along with sons etc., the created beings with varied forms, i.e. with bodies of various kinds, existed, by which this universe was pervaded. [24]
The lord of the lords of created beings like Marīci, etc., that Brahmā - what created beings did he arrange - this all connects with "Describe" later. How the collective Puruṣa filled this universe through the creation of the nine Prajāpatis and their sons etc. - describe that method, is the meaning. Also describe the nine types of creations to be stated, the secondary creations which are the creations after the four-faced one, and the fourteen Manus like Svāyambhuva etc. who are the rulers in the manvantaras. [25]
Śrīmad Vijayadhvaja Tīrtha-kṛtā Pada Ratnāvalī Vyākhyā
Vidura repeats in order to hear more details with "Having created", etc. In the beginning, at the start of the universe, having created the egg from those like mahat, etc. together with the sixteen modifications, having raised up virāj, i.e. Brahmā who is within the egg, he entered that Brahmā. He says "entered" to indicate that the entrance into Brahmā is after the entrance into the principles. All-pervading means pervasive. [21]
If it is asked how entrance is possible for one who pervades inside and outside, being suitable for the limited, thinking that it is easy by assuming forms limited to particular objects, he says "Whom they call", etc. Where, in which Puruṣa, these like the nether regions, etc. [22]
In which brahmāntaryāmin puruṣa, "prāṇāpānau tathā vyānastathod āna-samānakau | nāgaḥ kūrmo'tha kṛkaladeva dattha dhanamjayā" (and in brackets: the ten types of vital airs), these ten types along with the sense objects, senses, and sense objects like sound etc., and senses like eyes etc., exist in the form of threefold ojas, saha and bala - this is the remainder. Having heard this, he requests to speak about the aspects to be discussed, saying tvayeritā. The brāhmaṇa and other varṇas that were created and set in motion (īritāḥ) by you from the brahmāntaryāmin, tell us about their vibhūtis and the vibhūtis of that brahmāntaryāmin in a way that we can understand - this is the meaning. "Speak in matters of illuminating, conversing, knowing, effort, disagreement, and counseling" - thus the ātmanepada. || 23 ||
Where, in which varṇas, born with grandsons, sons and grandsons, of diverse forms, with mutually distinct characteristics and appearances, the all-pervading Brahmā, having lifted the cosmic egg (virāj brahmāṇḍa) from the water and made space, entered - if this well-known meaning is abandoned and the well-known meaning is accepted, what is the determining factor, and creation is from Brahman, as is well-known - if this is said, no, because it is determined by two pieces of evidence: "Viṣṇu with a thousand eyes and a thousand feet entered Brahmā. Having entered Brahmā, Hari created the tenfold prāṇa, the senses, sense objects, and the varṇas." And because the non-etymological meaning is weak. || 24-25 ||
Śrīmaj Jīva Gosvāmi-kṛtā Krama Sandarbha Vyākhyā
Thus, having accomplished his task, he asks with enthusiasm about the remainder of the previously heard līlā in sṛṣvati. || 21 || Whom lying in the causal ocean and in the womb waters. || 22 || In that virāṭ-rūpa (cosmic form), as mentioned there. || 23 || Where, with grandsons and great-grandsons. || 24-28 ||
Śrīmad Viśvanātha Cakravarti-kṛtā Sārārtha darśinī Vyākhyā
Thus, having accomplished his purpose, he joyfully repeats what was said before to ask about the remaining līlās (divine play) previously heard, as indicated. || 21 || In whom all worlds reside, as He rests on the causal ocean, since all universes exist in His hair pores. || 22 || * * Moreover. In that collective virāṭ (cosmic form), the sense objects and senses along with them. Trivṛt means threefold in terms of energy and strength. From which the varṇas (social classes) and their subdivisions like brāhmaṇas etc. arise. Now, the vibhūtis (divine manifestations) of that Supreme Lord, like Prajāpati etc. || 23 || * * Where, in those vibhūtis, with grandsons and great-grandsons. || 24 || * In the Second Canto, Parīkṣit asked about many topics due to his heart's curiosity. Vidura also asks until the end of the chapter - about the tenfold creations of Brahmā, the lord of Prajāpatis, and their subdivisions. || 25 ||
Śrīmac Chukadeva-kṛta Siddhānta Pradīpaḥ
Now, describing the Lord who creates mahat etc., as heard from the sage's mouth, he requests to speak about His vibhūtis in three verses. The all-pervading Lord, having first created the modifications like the senses etc. along with mahat etc., then created the virāṭ with its coverings as His own body and entered into it, as per the śruti "Having created that, He entered into it." || 21 || * The śrutis describe that all-pervading primeval Puruṣa (person), the creator of mahat, as having thousands of feet, thighs and arms. In whom all the worlds reside comfortably without contraction. || 22 || Along with sense objects and senses, being the support of all, trivṛt means threefold products of the guṇas. The tenfold prāṇas (life-airs) are the five main prāṇas and five sub-prāṇas - thus the tenfold prāṇas reside there, this is the connection. Described by you, from which the varṇas are born. Tell us about the vibhūtis of that all-pervading Lord, like Brahmā etc. || 23 || * * Where, in those vibhūtis, by which progeny this universe is pervaded. || 24 || Thus Maitreya was previously asked by the blessed one, as the story of Vidura and Maitreya is introduced in response to Parīkṣit's question. So he states those questions asked by Vidura until the end of the chapter. That famous Brahmā, the lord of Prajāpatis, which Prajāpatis did he create. Describe all this, is the connection with what follows. || 25 ||
Śrīmad Vallabhācārya Viracitā Subodhinī Vyākhyā
The name of the virāṭ along with the Lord - "the primeval Puruṣa". He is primeval in relation to us. "Having thousands of feet, thighs and arms" - although not mentioned in the previous chapter in the expanded form, it is restated as an attribute of the Puruṣa since that is His form. For detailed self-knowledge or by the Lord's grace, other attributes may manifest, which are also restated as spoken by the guru. Where again in that Puruṣa, all these visible worlds and beings reside comfortably in the vast expanse. || 21 || * Moreover, in that Puruṣa the tenfold prāṇa is described. The senses and sense objects are described, the threefold nature of the senses, sense objects and prāṇas is described, from which the varṇas are also described by you. After restating this, he asks for more details. This character and form of the Lord would exist only if it had vibhūtis. Vibhūti is also one of the Lord's unique qualities. In terms of the story, the creation of Brahmā etc. to be described is not meant as visarga (emanation), but as vibhūti only. Thus the creation along with vibhūtis is described. The visarga of dharma etc. will be described later. Even in individuals, the collective-individual distinction is imagined. There Brahmā is collective, the progeny are individuals. || 22 ||
Lest there be no agency sometimes, he first asks about those - "Where". Everywhere four distinctions should be stated for the sake of vibhūti. Grandsons means great-grandsons or daughter's sons. In the word 'son', daughter is included in singular, and in grandson, granddaughter is included. Both of these are indicated by grandson. Gotraja means distant relatives. || 23 || "Of the Prajāpatis" - Sargas are the productions of causal elements. Anusargas are of the effects. There are fourteen Manus. There are six types of manvantaras. || 24 || "Of these" means of these Manus. Vaṃśānucaritam means the deeds of those born in the lineage that led to its growth. The 'and' includes other deeds as well. How many celestial worlds are above the earth? And how many below? "Reside" means they are stable and natural. Though many questions, the sage's lack of agitation is indicated by addressing him as "O son of Mitra". || 25 ||
Śrī Giridhara-kṛtā Bāla Prabodhinī
Thus, appreciating the resolution of his own doubt and wishing to ask another question, indicating that "What you said has been understood by me, so I am qualified to listen, therefore my question should be answered," he repeats what was said - sṛṣṭi (creation) with three. Vibhu (the all-pervading) Lord, together with the modifications, the senses, etc. Savikārīṇa (with modifications) mahat and others, having created in order before creation, from those mahat etc., having extracted virāj (the cosmic form), producing it, he entered that virāj - this is the connection. || 21 ||
He describes the nature of the one who entered - yam iti. The Śrutis declare that primordial person who entered, the cause of all causes, as having a thousand feet, thighs and arms - "describe his glories to us" - this connects with the third. Thus the Śruti: "The Puruṣa has a thousand heads" etc. He qualifies virāj - yatra iti. In which virāj all these visible fourteen worlds with living beings reside comfortably without contraction, meaning they remain as they please. || 22 ||
In which virāj the ten types of prāṇa (vital air) - five prāṇas etc. and five nāgas etc., the senses and their objects like sound etc. - the repetition of "and the senses" is to indicate their deities - all this manifold universe consisting of the three guṇas combined with those, has been described by you. Also, from where the varṇas (social classes) like brāhmaṇas were born, as stated by you, describe to us the glories of that virāj, denoted by the word visarga (creation), in the form of Brahmā etc. || 23 ||
Where in those glories the offspring with various forms, beings with diverse bodies existed, by which this universe is pervaded - describe those, connecting with the previous. || 24 ||
"Thus the venerable Maitreya was previously asked" - the dialogue between Vidura and Maitreya is introduced as the king's question and answer. Therefore he shows those very questions asked by Vidura - prajāpatīnām etc. until the end of the chapter. That famous lord of the Prajāpatis, Brahmā, which Prajāpatis etc. did he create - describe that, connecting with the second case. Similarly for the following also. The word kān (which) should be connected in the accusative case as appropriate. There the explanation is as follows according to what will be stated: The Prajāpatis like Marīci, the creations - the nine types of elemental creation, the secondary creations which are their divisions, the Manus like Svāyambhuva, and the kings who protect during each Manvantara. || 25 ||
Hindī Anuvāda
O Lord! You have said that at the beginning of creation, the Lord successively created the mahat and other principles and their modifications, and then from their parts He produced the Virat, and after that He Himself entered into them. || 21 ||
That Virat has thousands of feet, thighs and arms, whom the Vedas call ādi-puruṣa (the primeval person); in Him all these worlds are extensively situated. || 22 ||
In Him, You have described the ten types of prāṇa (life airs) - which are of three kinds: sensory strength, mental strength, and physical strength - along with the senses, their objects, and the deities presiding over the senses. From Him also arose the four varṇas (social orders). Now please describe to me His divine manifestations from Brahma onwards - from which sons, grandsons, great-grandsons, and relatives, various kinds of progeny were born, and by which this entire universe was filled. || 23-24 ||
That Virat is also the lord of Brahma and other Prajapatis. Which Prajapatis did He create, and in what order did He create the Manus who preside over the creations, sub-creations, and manvantaras? || 25 ||
On this blogspot, you can find the commentaries of the acaryas on Srimad Bhagavatam, the book, which Srila Prabhupada always carried with himself. Translations: Claude 3 Sonnet.
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