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SB 3.1.2-4

 Text 2: What else is there to say about the residential house of the Pāṇḍavas? Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the Lord of everything, acted as your minister. He used to enter that house as if it were His own, and He did not take any care of Duryodhana’s house.

Text 3: The King asked Śukadeva Gosvāmī: Where and when did the meeting and discussion take place between Saint Vidura and His Grace Maitreya Muni? Kindly oblige, my lord, and describe this to us.

Text 4: Saint Vidura was a great and pure devotee of the Lord, and therefore his questions to His Grace Ṛṣi Maitreya must have been very purposeful, on the highest level, and approved by learned circles.

Śrīdhara Svāmi-kṛtā Bhāvārtha-dīpikā Vyākhyā

Furthermore. He says that which is highly praiseworthy and should not be abandoned. The house which is well-known as yours, the Pāṇḍavas', this Śrī Kṛṣṇa, who was acting as an advisor and messenger, due to his intelligence being present there - this is the indication. The king of the Purus, Duryodhana, leaving his house, entered Vidura's house uninvited. The reason for that: It was made his own, accepted as his own. [2]

Where did the meeting take place? Occur? [3]

In the superior, excellent one, from which the arising of a small matter does not occur. Increased by the praise of the good, the approval of the virtuous. Or, the meaning is: praised by the speech, the reply of the sage Maitreya. [4] [5]

Śrī Vaṃśīdhara-kṛtā Bhāvārtha-dīpikā Prakāśa Vyākhyā

He states the extreme excellence of that house - Furthermore, etc. There, regarding the uninvited entry. [2]

This meeting of Kṣattṛ and Maitreya, etc. O lord, master. [3]

Due to not hearing of another meeting in the Vidura-Maitreya meeting, he says - Or, etc. The meaning is thus. The implication is that due to it being a praiseworthy question, he gave that answer. In that Maitreya. [4]

Śrī Rādhā Ramaṇa dāsa Gosvāmi Viracitā Dīpanī Vyākhyā

The reason for entering Vidura's house even uninvited: Made his own, meaning one does not expect an invitation to one's own house. [2]

Where was the meeting? Where, on what subject was the conversation? Or when did it occur, happen? These three. [3]

Due to not hearing of approval by good people at the time of the conversation, and because praise is the effect of "or" enhancement, this meaning is stated. [4]

Śrīmad Vīrarāghava Vyākhyā

Here, having obtained the opportunity to ask, the king asks with two [verses] "Where, etc." - Where, in which place did the meeting, the coming together of the blessed Kṣattṛ Vidura with Maitreya occur, happen? When, at what time did the conversation with him take place - O master Śuka, describe this to us. [3]

He reveals his desire to hear with "Indeed not". Of the great soul Vidura, whose mind was devoted to the Lord, in relation to Maitreya who was superior due to qualities like knowledge of higher and lower truths, the question is not the arising of a small purpose, from which arises a small result. How was the question? Enhanced by good speech, elaborated, therefore it must certainly be heard by me - this is the meaning. [4]

Śrīmad Vijayadhvaja Tīrtha-kṛtā Pada Ratnāvalī Vyākhyā

To arrange the Vidura-Maitreya dialogue, he raises the seed of a question on the pretext of the time of pilgrimage with "When" - The construction is: When he who was acting as an advisor for the grandfathers in negotiations, when no peace work arose, leaving the city of the king of the Purus, Hastināpura, entered Mulasthāna, which was made his own, then Vidura had gone for pilgrimage - this is to be supplied. Here, the word "but" qualifies the statement "During the war, though Vidura had gone on pilgrimage, he mostly stayed in Gajapura out of desire for the welfare of the Pāṇḍavas." By this it is stated that Vidura sometimes performed pilgrimage, but not from the beginning of the war until its conclusion. [2]

Though the king generally knew about Vidura's pilgrimage and the time of meeting Maitreya, desiring to know the specific place he asks "Where?" Where, at which particular holy place? The reason for leaving the city should also be stated, therefore "describe" is said. [3]

He states the cause of eagerness to know in detail with "Indeed not". The word "hi" has the sense of reason. Since it is not the arising of a small purpose, therefore describe - this is the meaning. Here also he states the reason with "Good". Sādhu means proper, pleasant, good person according to Yādava. [4]

Śrīmaj Jīva Gosvāmi-kṛtā Krama Sandarbha Vyākhyā

In "Or", the meaning is "which shelter". Citsukha. [2]

Like Śaunaka, the king also, out of eagerness for that story, asks about it in detail with "Where". Where, when did the meeting occur, happen, or the conversation? Here "Where" means at which place or on which subject - this is understood. "This" means these three things. [3-7]

Śrīmad Viśvanātha Cakravarti-kṛtā Sārārtha darśinī Vyākhyā

Furthermore, his house was superior to all those holy places he wished to go to, not to be abandoned. He abandoned even that only due to the distress given by his brothers - this he states with "Which". Indeed, certainly, which house of yours, the Pāṇḍavas', he who was acting as an advisor and messenger, this Śrī Kṛṣṇa - this is the indication due to his intelligence being present. The king of the Purus was then Duryodhana. He entered uninvited, the reason for that - Made his own, accepted as his own. [2]

Occurred, happened. [3]

In the superior, excellent one. From which the arising of a small purpose does not occur thus. Enhanced by good speech, increased by the approval of the good. Or, the meaning is: praised by the speech, the reply of the sage Maitreya. [4]

Śrīmac Chukadeva-kṛta Siddhānta Pradīpaḥ

Not only prosperous but also in the form of a holy place - this he states with "Which". Indeed, well-known, that this Śrī Kṛṣṇa, though the Lord of all, the Supreme Lord, acting as your, the Pāṇḍavas', advisor and messenger, having gone to Hastināpura to request five villages, leaving the house of the king of the Purus, Suyodhana, indeed, well-known that he entered Vidura's house, which was made his own, accepted as his own, even uninvited. This is to be seen in the Udyoga Parva. [2]

Occurred, happened. [3]

In the superior, excellent one. Not of small result, with small fruit. [4] [5]

Śrīmad Vallabhācārya Viracitā Subodhinī Vyākhyā

Now, renunciation is a component only in the path of knowledge, due to the house being opposed to it. But in the path of devotion, since the excellence of the householder state is described, one may doubt that departure from it is due to distress - to remove this doubt, he says "or this". That house which has been claimed by the Lord. The Lord is considered to be in Vidura's house according to popular belief. Not only is it pleasing, but the Lord's conduct there is also divine, thus he says "entered". He removes other reasons - "leaving the house of the king of the Pauravas". Leaving even the house of Duryodhana which was prayed for by them as superior even to Indra's abode for the Lord's residence. And it was proper for one who had come for consultation to go to Duryodhana's house. Even there, for one who fulfills the tasks of devotees, and moreover for the Lord who possesses all excellent and complete qualities, it is proper to stay in an excellent place. Furthermore, qualities like lack of devotion, demoniac nature etc. should not be suspected, since He is the Lord of all, the master and controller of everything. Therefore, just as staying in the Lord's house like a temple is proper, so is staying in His own house. Still, the house as such should be renounced. The excellence of staying in a house is not merely due to it belonging to the Lord, but due to staying with the Lord or for the Lord's work, otherwise one should not stay - this is the conclusion. 2

When a question is asked, an answer should be given, but the words of another should not be spoken as authoritative - suspecting this, he asks "where" to indicate that the place and time there will be excellent. In the translation, the recitation of the previously stated verses. It indicates understanding of the meaning stated there. Indeed, in a question association is expected. He says "assembly" since a place that is the cause of association with great souls is indeed excellent. Even if the reading is "meeting", usage like "there is" etc. is established. "Or when" shows disregard for time. "Conversation together" means the king directly. Suspecting that the answer should be given in the order of questioning as "much has been asked", he removes this by saying "describe this". "No" because it is beneficial for us. "O Lord" indicates the ability to transfer the previous and following here itself. Or it is indicated that doubt can be removed by this alone. 3

He states the reason for hearing this primarily compared to the previous: "For the arising of no small meaning". Hearing the meaning of words partially produces only partial results. But this, though partial, will produce complete results, due to the excellence of the connection, like giving water etc. in a special place, time and recipient. He says this - where there is arising of small meaning. Such a question does not occur - by "hi" the reasoning that such would be futile is stated. He states the excellence of the connection - "Vidura's pure mind". The meaning is: one with supreme knowledge of ethics and pure inner self. But we are ignorant of ethics and our inner selves are not purified due to curses etc. So whatever little we ask - this is the import. He says that his guru is even superior to him - "more excellent". "Augmented by words of praise". Internal enthusiasm is stated as the reason for certainty of the result. Therefore it is said to be augmented, made more abundant by him. 4

Śrīmad Gosvāmi Śrī Puruṣottama Caraṇa Viracitaḥ Śrī Subodhinī Prakāśaḥ

"Even in his own house" means in Vidura's own house. 2

Regarding "where" - "Disregard for time" means since that time is not present now, it is of no use to oneself, that is the meaning. "Much has been asked" means: Before this question, much has been asked. "Because it is beneficial" - Since the conversation relates to two excellent persons, it quickly produces results, hence it is so. 3

Regarding "For" - "That enthusiasm" is Maitreya's. The question about the reason for renunciation should be understood as implied by the augmentation with words of praise. 4

Śrī Giridhara-kṛtā Bāla Prabodhinī

Moreover, he says with the intention that his house, due to the Lord's entry, is superior even to all holy places and thus unworthy of abandonment - yad iti. vai indeed. The king of the Purus, Duryodhana, leaving his house, this Krishna himself entered Vidura's house uninvited - this is the construction. This reference is due to the presence of intelligence. Wondering what is special about that entry, he says - akhileśvara iti (the Lord of all). He states the reason for that - bhagavān iti, meaning full of eternal, inconceivable, infinite qualities. Now, since abandonment is preceded by acceptance, to the expectation of why the Lord first went to Duryodhana's house, he says - mantrakṛd va iti. va means your (Pandavas') mantrakṛt (counselor), performer of messenger duties, etc. The implication is he went for the purpose of being a messenger. He states the reason for entering Vidura's house - ātmasātkṛtam iti, meaning accepted as his own. || 2 ||

What was said "asked by King Parikshit", that very question of the king who got the opportunity is shown - kutra iti with two verses. Where did the meeting (saṅgama) of the all-knowing Lord Maitreya with Vidura the kṣattṛ (chamberlain) take place? When or at what time did their dialogue occur? O master, capable of describing due to omniscience, please describe this to us - this is the construction. || 3 ||

Ignoring hearing of other things, to the expectation of whence your eagerness to hear this, he states the reason for that - na hi iti. hi because in that Maitreya, the arising of trivial matters from that Vidura is not possible, but rather it is elaborate, endowed with praise of the virtuous, to be spoken as a response in the form of the conduct of the good. Thus the implication is this dialogue must be heard by me. Thus accepting the superiority of the listener and speaker as the reason in the question, he qualifies them - amalātmana iti, meaning of pure inner self. varīyasī iti, meaning superior in qualities like knowledge of higher and lower truths, etc. || 4 ||

Hindī Anuvāda

When Lord Śrīkṛṣṇa (Krishna), the Supreme Lord of all, became the messenger of the Pāṇḍavas (Pandavas), he left Duryodhana's palaces and went uninvited to Vidura's house, considering it as his own. || 2 ||

King Parīkṣit (Parikshit) asked: "My lord, please tell me where and when the meeting between Lord Maitreya and Vidura took place?" || 3 ||

The pure-hearted Vidura must not have asked any ordinary question to the great sage Maitreya; for Maitreya, the crest jewel among sages, had honored it by giving an answer with great appreciation. || 4 ||

SB 3.15.49-50

 Text 49: O Lord, we pray that You let us be born in any hellish condition of life, just as long as our hearts and minds are always engaged ...